Chris Pulham Railway Artist

Startled by Steam

Lurking in the Shadows


Lion - The Pride of BeamishLion - The Pride of Beamish

A Spring Clean at Stainmore

Maybach Music

Maybach MusicMaybach Music

Austere Times at Barrowhill

If you wish to make an enquiry regarding my paintings or prints, please use the contact me page.

Sunset at Locomotion

Sunset at Locomotion.


Oils on Canvas, 20inch x 16inch, 500mm x 406mm.


Framed as in the photograph.

A Spring Clean at Stainmore.


Acrylics on Canvas, 24 inch x 36inch, 610mm x 915mm.


Framed as in the photograph. 

Sunset at LocomtionSunset at Locomtion

Maybach Music.


Acrylics on canvas, 18inch x 24inch, 460mm x 610mm.


Framed as in the photograph.

A Spring Clean at StainmoreA Spring Clean at Stainmore
Austere Times at BarrowhillAustere Times at Barrowhill

Austere Tmes at Barrowhill.


Acrylics on canvas. 18inch x 24 inch, 460mm x 610mm.


Framed as in the photograph

Charles Roberts - WakefieldCharles Roberts - Wakefield

Charles Roberts - Wakefield

Charles Roberts - Wakefield


Acrylics on Canvas, 10inch x 12inch, 255mm x 304mm.


Framed as in the photograph.

Lion - The Pride of Beamish

Lion - The Pride of Beamish.


Oils on canvas 28” x 36”, 711mm x 914mm..


Framed as in the photograph.

Lurking in the Shadows

Lurking in theb ShadowsLurking in theb Shadows

Lurking in the Shadows.


Acrylics on canvas 20inch x 30inch, 508mm x 762mm.


Framed as in the photograph.




Acrylics on canvas 18inch x 24 inch, 460mm x 610mm.


Framed as in the photograph.

Summer Sunday at Gloucester Horton Road


Acrylics on canvas 24inch x 18inch, 610mm x 460mm.


L.N.W.R. Legacy


Acrylics on canvas 30inch x 20inch, 760mm x 510mm.


Startled by SteamStartled by Steam

Startled by Steam.


Oil on canvas 23inch 29inch, 584mm x 736mm.


Framed as in the photograph.

A Member of the Copley Hill Quartet.


Acrylics on on canvas 20inch 16inch, 510mm x 410mm.


Summer Sunday at Gloucester Horton Road

A Member of the Copley Hill Quartet

L.N.W.R. Legacy