The painting Shows LNER A3 Shotover still right-hand drive despite the recent rebuild from A1 to A3, about to enter the turntable, situated in the small loco yard by King's Cross station.
The date is 1st May 1928. The day of the inaugural non-stop London to Edinburgh run, Shotover having completed the up run from Edinburgh Waverley-King's Cross was waiting to be turned.
LNER A1 No 4472 'Flying Scotsman' performed the famous and much publicised down run to Edinburgh Waverley.
The two locomotives passed each other at Pilmoor, north of York at 2.02 pm with both engines having taken 242 minutes from their starting positions.
Flying Scotsman arrived twelve minutes early at Edinburgh Waverley whilst Shotover also arrived two and half minutes inside schedule.
Reference photograph copyright to Simon Lathlane, used with his kind permission.
Waiting to be Turned